Thursday, September 4, 2008

Math Homework

Let's all face it...math sucks! I have homework everyday in that dumb class and I swear they dont even correct it! It's just busy work. This class is a review for me which sucks because it's so boring, so then I don't do the work because I lose concentration, then I get the problems wrong. I wish I was like my roommate Corie who is a music major and doesn't need math. If only my mom had forced me to stay in music...maybe I wouldn't have chosen to become a nurse! On a lighter note, fruit snacks are the best. Especially the smile ones! Me and corie eat those constantly and we are going to get fat off of them. My baby cousin was finally born yesterday! Tate Daniel Jones! We laugh about it because his nickname is going to be TD but if you say it really fast it sounds like.....yep you guessed it titty:) haha we had a good laugh about that one. I need to learn how to manage my time better because I don't get a lot of sleep and then I am tired for my classes. So if anyone has any advice then let me know! Peace Holmes...I gotta get to math :(

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Life Away From Home!

Hello family and friends who will look at this page. I decided to start this page so if anyone wants to know what I am up to but can't get a hold of me, they can come to here and just read about it. I am currently at college right now and am loving it. Although I hate having to spend my own money. This is when I wish I was a kid again so I can have mom buy everything for me:) But everyone must grow up eventually. College is one big pit hole. I have already spent over three hundred dollars on books and other things my classes require. One day books are going to be just as much at the tutition. And what ever happen to the good old textbook? I have to buy some stupid i-clicker for my class just to take a test in it. I know we have a lot of tree huggers up here, but seriously people, the paper is already made so use it! College is a lot harder then it what I was told. Other than that, it's great up here, although it's only been a week. I can't wait to see what the rest of the semester is to bring:)