Monday, October 26, 2009

So Much To Do So Little Time

Life is busy busy as my mother would say it. My Yankees are going to the SERIES!!! Wahoo! Totally stoked about that! I am also stoked by the fact that I won a bet and am now getting free ice cream for it hahaha. For all you Red Sox bandwagon fans out there....SUCKA FISH! haha

So my co-worker and I are going to join the rugby team in the spring! We are crazy! But I think it will be so much fun. I have always wanted to play a game or two of rugby. I remember when I was a little girl and just messin around we played rugby in our backyard back in Roy (miss it). It was the richards the richins and the watt kids, and we somehow managed to talk Zak Van Dyke to come play with us. As we were playin I run into the back of Zak and smash my finger into his spine. Needless to say that I broke it and I couldn't play goalie and more (which I was okay with :-}) Hopefully I won't break anything in the spring :-)

I am also on and intramural indoor soccer team. It is so much fun! We were schooled our first game. But you have to cut us some slack because we just got a bunch of friends together and the team we played have been playing with each other for years! They were totally hardcore into it and we were just playin for the heck of it! Don't worry we will be ready for them in the playoffs haha.

School is super busy. I am just countin down the days until May when I get to move out to Pensylvannia with my mom and dad. That will be so much fun! I can't wait!

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
~Albert Einstein

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Life Is a Highway.....

Yes I know I haven't updated this thing in what seems like forever, but don't worry I haven't forgotten. Life has been crazy! I really now believe that life is a highway....a very bumpy highway. I have had my up and downs these past months. Through the heartaches, tears, laughters, and fears...I still manage to be alive. This past summer had my name on it. I have never realized how important my family is to me. I love them all to death! They are wonderful, beautiful people, and I wouldn't change them in anyway. I have the best friends! I now know who I can and cannot trust. I know now the true meaning of a broken heart. I thought I knew a lot more than I did about that kinda stuff but I turned out to be wrong. I don't recommend that feeling to anyone. It's the pits. I have bounced back. If you think you hit rock bottom (which I thought I had) don't worry! It's just a trampoline and you can bounce back! I am on the uphill! This summer I even learned things about myself. I am stubborn...simple as that. I need to work on that I know. I have learned about myself more than I have ever realized. Don't sweat the small stuff. Yes..Mom you have told me that many times but I never really understood it. Everything I do has a consequence. Good or bad, something will always lead to something else. I can't change the past nor do I want to. Don't EVER EVER give a 2 year old anything with red #40 in the ingredients. You won't get them to bed or to calm down and then your going to want to pull out your hair. I learned my lesson when I gave strawberry jam to my little cousin Emma. WOW!!! That is all I have to say about that crazy girl!! I am the only one left at home so to say! Kendra tied the knot! YAY FOR DINNER!! Which you still owe me dearest sister! A lot happened over the summer. Some things I wish didn't have to end they way they did, and others I wish I could re-live! I am going to start writing in this thing more often but I can't make any promises! I love my family! Love my friends! I am ready to see what the highway of life as in store for me! Can't wait for the memories!

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass....It's about learning to dance in the rain!"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Math 1050 Blog

The methods of elimination and substitution solve systems of equations with two variables.  In elimination, the key step in this method is to obtain, for one or more of the variables, coefficients that differ only in sign so that adding the equations eliminates the variable.  By eliminating one one or more you can receive a single equation in which you can then back substitute that answer into the other equation to find both variables.
In substitution, you perform the following steps.  You first solve one of the equations for one variable in terms of the other.  You then substitute the expression found in step one into the other equation to obtain an equation in one variable.  After that solve the equation in step two.  Back substitute the value(s) obtained in step three into the expression obtained in step one to find the value(s) if the other variable.  Last, check that each solution satisfies both of the original equations.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

If The Wait Is Longer Than 45 Minutes...Pick a New Place!!!

While I was in Salt Lake this past weekend I learned a very valuable lesson!
My roommate and I were in Salt Lake for a few days and we decided to go to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner! Even though all we really wanted was the cheesecake! Well if you have ever been there you would know it is right by Fashion Place mall. They lady told us it would be a 75 to 90 minute wait! So we thought ok we will just go putz around in the mall and kill time, and it should go by fast! Well when you're a college student you don't really have money to go shopping so it's not fun to go shopping. That is how is was for Amber and myself. We are both poor so we didn't really enjoy the shopping! So we go back to the restaurant and we still have a 45 minute wait before they will seat us. To make a long story short...we put our name in at 6:30 and were not seated until 8:20!! I have never waited to eat that long in my life! They food was great but come restaurant is ever worth that kind of wait! Never again will I wait that long!
Salt Lake was fun! I had the chance to hang out with my Aunt and Uncle! They are a couple of characters! My Aunt recently won the teacher of the year award and shot a commercial for teachers everywhere! What an amazing Aunt right?!?! I know I am so lucky for her! Salt lake is a nice place to visit, but I don't know if I could ever live there! maybe! we will see! Now one more week before I head to Arizona! It's going to be a party! For sure! Can't wait to see my family! SPRING BREAK BABY!!!

"It's kinda fun to do the impossible!"
~Walt Disney

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hangin With The Neighbors!

I love neighbors! They are so fun to have around! Especially when they do your math for you:-) As I am writing this blog I am sitting by my good friend Harrison who is doing my math quiz for me :-).Even though he is an english major! I also like when they play there guitar everyday in their room! And I can hear it while I am studying! Most of my neigbors are engineers so they are a lot smarter than me! This comes in hand when I need help with my classes like math and chemistry.
So there have been some debates in my awarding of "The One That Is" awards. Brittany Grose Watt now SHARES her award with my great Auntie Tiffany! Everyone are what you are so deal with it! No more changes!
I will be getting some new neighbors next year as I will be moving to a new apartment complex. I am excited yet nervous at the same time to meet new people. It will be fun though!
My best friend comes home in 5 weeks! That is so close! I recieved a letter from him today and he is doing great! Can't wait for him to come home!
Life is good! Take mistakes in stride and don't ever let anyone say you can't do anything! Take Care :-)

"Whatever the mind of man can concieve and can achieve!
~M. Russell Ballard (restated by Harrison a.k.a The Tower)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The One That.....

Alright, so someone somewhere in the world created this ridiculous picture and stuck it on facebook! And now everyone is tagging all their friends in it to make a joke! So I decided to join the crowd and created on myself! So here is the list of you LUCKY winners! Don't feel bad if you didn't get one! Just know I love you all!

The Good Friend-of course this going to go to Brittany Marietti! She is the best friend!

The slow one-Mike! Yeah yoru a little slow

The Pimp-haha no its not you!

The Good Little Church Girl-this was a tough decision but I decided to go with my roommate Kelsie (story to be told later)

The Shy One-Spencer! Where'd ya go dude?

The One That Always Swear-Brittany Grose Watt please stand up!

The Grumpy one-Odin! Your always so moody!

The One who Always gets hurt-Blake! You gotta stop falling down buddy!

The One that is up to no good-Kami Durbano...come on down!

The Jock-Jeff Freakin Catron!! Oh my gosh he is so good at everything!

The One with the Bad Memory-Amber! hahaha oh my gosh you go on dates with a guy 3 TIMES and you still couldn't remember his name!:-)

The Geek-Brian Anderson! Yes you are a geek! Wear that crown proudly!

The Innocent One-Sunni Finlinson! yes you!

The Goodie Two Shoes-My dear dear Jesse Pope..don't be offended because you know its true and it's a good thing!:-) keeps us trouble makers inline!

The Drama Queen- Sidney Thayne! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! No we don't hate you! And we come visit when we have time!

The Lazy One-It did go to Steven Mason, but he got his crown taken away and it now goes to Ek Dorko! Yes Jordan that would be you!

The Gangster-haha Josh Freakin Anderson! What's up Darkness!

The Stylish One-Rocky my dear brother! I am giving this to you...because I still can't count how many times you looked in a mirror...dude...your a dude stop acting like a girl:-)

The Flirt-Uh everyone says this one belongs to me...but I don't know why!

The Tiny Dangerous One-Brylie this goes to you! yes she looks cute, but you just wait!

The Tower-Harrison Parker! Buddy much love!

The One with all the gossip-everytime I come home my Kendra has about a hundred stories on everyone! I swear she knows everything about everyone!

The Ladies Man-Gizmo! Yes Gizmo...he is such a cute mutt!

The One you can depend on-Chris Ward Lee! He is always there for you!

The Annoying one-ok seriously who is stupid enough to put this one up!

The Cutie Pie-Katie Johnston! Love you girl!

The Princess-Of course this goes to Princess Leisa!

The Funny Guy-Jordan Catron! Hahah oh my gosh and you don't even know it!

The One that always get hungry-Ryan haha "I'm not hungry"...five minutes later "I'm starving" Take Care Everyone:-)

"Life's tough...Get Helmet" ~Boy Meets World

Monday, February 16, 2009

Back to School, Back to Prove to Dad that I'm not a Fool!

Well the long relaxing weekend came to an end this afternoon when I had to pack up my car and get back up to the ol' apartment! Yet it was a still a good weekend.
I am slowly learning how to work this blog spot thing but as of right now it looks disfunctional, under construction right now! But still not as amazing as the ones I am seen!
My valentines was ruined by th snow! I should have been enjoying a massage but now the snow just decided to ruin my day! Oh well. Today Ryan came up to the house! We just ate pizza and hung out with Kendra. I hadn't seen him in two weeks so it was nice to finally see his face again. I was beginning to forget what it looked like! I got to hang out with the Van Dyke family yesterday! I never get to see them anymore since I have been up and school. Aunt Nic makes amazing food! I think I am going to start attending more often if I can find the time! I miss hangin out with my second family! Some of my funniest stories come from them. This weekend I got to enjoy watching them be computer illiterate and attempt working facebook properly! haha :-) love you guys!
So with my blog I am going to start writing quotes! They might be inspirationl, funny, random, or just plain stupid. But no one can go through life without quotes and sometimes everyone just needs to hear an uplifting sentence told to them! Have a good day :-)

"Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes...that way, when you do judge're a mile away and have their shoes!"

Saturday, February 14, 2009

How do I work this thing? as you can tell I never get on this and write nor do I know how to make it look fancy smancy like everyone else can with all the pictures and exciting fonts! Oh and don't forget the music. I don't even know why I have this thing. But it turns out everyone, their dog and their dog's dog has one. So mine as well try to keep up with the crowd right?

The first semester of college is hard just like everyone says it is. Miss golden good grades here actually has to re-take a class! Yes Dad, a C- is no longer passing! And it's retarded to only miss it by 5 points!! I thought if it was a five you rounded up not down. Apparently my human physiology teacher didn't pass math! Oh well. This semester seems to be easy but still hard at the same time. I only have one semester left after this one before I have completed my associates degree! WAHOO! and then hopefully I can get into the nursing program ASAP! I am ready to be done with school.

Work is going great! They are training me to be a Med-Tech. This is a really fancy to term for going up to the residents and handing them the pills! Apparently I can't do that with just having the title of CNA.

My best friend comes home in 6 weeks! I am so excited! He has been on his mission in Oakland! I am so excited to see him again! It will be weird because a lot happens in two years! Hopefully these 6 weeks will go by fast! I am going to Arizona for spring break to see if that helps! I can't wait to see my quirky family! Yes I did say quirky! My mom is down there right now and I am jealous! I love hanging out with my aunts! Even though one is a blonde and puts seasoning salt on my toast :-) and the other likes to make fun of the things I do in publice (which we will not talk about) they are still a blast and I love them! Can't wait to see the cousins either. Oh and we can't forget about Vic. By the way Vic we need to go to Dairy Queen again and see if they still have hott boys :-) and this time I will get him number!

As of right now life is good! Hope all have a good day! Here are some pictures to try to spice up my blog!