Well to all you blog followers!! Yeah I know there are so many of you out there! I am back! I will try to be better at blogging...but who knows if that will happen!
Life as you know it has been crazy busy!!! I blame that all on nursing school! I thought I had no time before....nursing school proved me wrong! It is the most grueling, hardcore, never ending, painful, nerve racking, most bitter sweet experience of my life. I thought I was a crying boob before! Nothing has broken me down more but yet be so fullfilling at the same time! I have made so many new friends, learned more than my brain can hold, and pushed myself in school more than I ever have before! I LOVE every minute of it!
Currently living at home as been a whirlwind! I don't know where I would be without my mom nagging me every single day! It's hard but I love spending my evenings with here...and my dad (when he is home) hahah Love you dad!
I just passed my LPN boards!! WAHOOO and I am working on school for my RN! I graduate in December!! CAN'T WAIT!!!
I do not have a lot to say...I am not that exciting...All I have to say is I love life, I love Jed, I love/hate school, I love my family! I can't wait to see what the future holds!!