Alright, so someone somewhere in the world created this ridiculous picture and stuck it on facebook! And now everyone is tagging all their friends in it to make a joke! So I decided to join the crowd and created on myself! So here is the list of you LUCKY winners! Don't feel bad if you didn't get one! Just know I love you all!
The Good Friend-of course this going to go to Brittany Marietti! She is the best friend!
The slow one-Mike! Yeah yoru a little slow
The Pimp-haha no its not you!
The Good Little Church Girl-this was a tough decision but I decided to go with my roommate Kelsie (story to be told later)
The Shy One-Spencer! Where'd ya go dude?
The One That Always Swear-Brittany Grose Watt please stand up!
The Grumpy one-Odin! Your always so moody!
The One who Always gets hurt-Blake! You gotta stop falling down buddy!
The One that is up to no good-Kami Durbano...come on down!
The Jock-Jeff Freakin Catron!! Oh my gosh he is so good at everything!
The One with the Bad Memory-Amber! hahaha oh my gosh you go on dates with a guy 3 TIMES and you still couldn't remember his name!:-)
The Geek-Brian Anderson! Yes you are a geek! Wear that crown proudly!
The Innocent One-Sunni Finlinson! yes you!
The Goodie Two Shoes-My dear dear Jesse Pope..don't be offended because you know its true and it's a good thing!:-) keeps us trouble makers inline!
The Drama Queen- Sidney Thayne! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! No we don't hate you! And we come visit when we have time!
The Lazy One-It did go to Steven Mason, but he got his crown taken away and it now goes to Ek Dorko! Yes Jordan that would be you!
The Gangster-haha Josh Freakin Anderson! What's up Darkness!
The Stylish One-Rocky my dear brother! I am giving this to you...because I still can't count how many times you looked in a mirror...dude...your a dude stop acting like a girl:-)
The Flirt-Uh everyone says this one belongs to me...but I don't know why!
The Tiny Dangerous One-Brylie this goes to you! yes she looks cute, but you just wait!
The Tower-Harrison Parker! Buddy much love!
The One with all the gossip-everytime I come home my Kendra has about a hundred stories on everyone! I swear she knows everything about everyone!
The Ladies Man-Gizmo! Yes Gizmo...he is such a cute mutt!
The One you can depend on-Chris Ward Lee! He is always there for you!
The Annoying one-ok seriously who is stupid enough to put this one up!
The Cutie Pie-Katie Johnston! Love you girl!
The Princess-Of course this goes to Princess Leisa!
The Funny Guy-Jordan Catron! Hahah oh my gosh and you don't even know it!
The One that always get hungry-Ryan haha "I'm not hungry"...five minutes later "I'm starving" Take Care Everyone:-)
"Life's tough...Get Helmet" ~Boy Meets World
you have more stories than I do! I do not have all the gossip!
"Dude you're a dude stop acting like a girl." ....you're dead to me.
Just remember who the king of smack talk is litte sis.
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